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Changelog (Premium)

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Version 2.5

  • Fixed – Approve button color issue.
  • Improvement – Username label removed from user notification.
  • Improvement – When using invitation code user will not be created if incorrect invitation code is used.
  • Improvement – Added filter ‘nua_invitation_code_optional’ to make invitation code field required/optional.
  • Improvement – When user successfully registers via invitation code the welcome email not sent, instead Approve email is sent and success message appears.
  • Improvement – HTML tags will be removed from email if the ‘send email as html’ checkbox is unchecked.

Version 2.3

  • Added – Compatibility of Invitation Code with BuddyPress
  • Added – Zapier Integration
  • Added – Filter Hook to Filter password before user creation.
  • Added – Hooks so custom settings fields/tabs can be added without modifying plugin code.
  • Improvement – Code Optimization.

Version 2.1

  • Added – Compatibility of new features (Auto Approve and Invitation Code) with memberpress.
  • Fixed – WooCommerce registration user automatically login after registration.
  •  Fixed – Welcome email issue on WooCommercer Registration

Version 2.0

  • Improvement – UI for backend settings.
  • Improvement- Divided settings into multiple tabs and sections
  • Added – Auto Approve Feature Added.
  • Added – Ability to whitelist domains.
  • Added – – Ability to blacklist domains.
  • Added – Invitation Code Feature Added.
  • Added -Ability to import Invitation-codes through csv.
  • Added -Ability to manually add Invitation-codes.
  • Added -Ability to auto-generate Invitation-codes.
  • Added -Ability to send Invitation-codes to users via email.

Version 1.8.5

  • Added: Options for User registeration welcome email.
  • Added: Action Hook – new_user_approve_after_registration

Version 1.8.4

  • Added field for sending email notifications to other than admin.

Version 1.8.3

  • Updated Freemius SDK

Version 1.8.2

  • Fix – PHP error in theme customize Page

Version 1.8.1

  • Fix – HTML tags not saving in Email Template Input

Version 1.8

  • Tested with WordPress 5.4
  • Removed old licensing system
  • Added Freemius

Version 0.2.3

  • Fix bug when adding HTML to emails

Version 0.2.2

  • Add some styling to the header on the settings page
  • Fix HTML filter on emails

Version 0.2.1

  • Fix bug when saving messages with multiple editors
  • Change content type of emails to HTML where appropriate
  • Change support email address Fix option to bypass email to site admin
  • Change how the deny message is filtered
  • Fix a bug with the diagnostic email
  • Fix download of diagnostic file

Version 0.2

  • Licensing
  • Email tags
  • Plugin updates
  • Support information

Version 0.1.1

  • Add readme.txt
  • Fix bug with IDs that were being passed to wp_editor

Version 0.1

  • Options screen

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