Auto Approve

By Email Domain

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 475 views
  • Go to Admin Dashboard → New Users Approve → Auto Approve.
  • You’ll be on the Email Domain Settings page.
  • There are 2 Tabs in this section, Whitelist and Blacklist.


  • When adding the domains that are to be automatically approved will be specified in the white list tab.
  • The option can be enabled by clicking a toggle provided beside the Enable Whitelist option.
  • Enter the specific domains to which you want to auto-approve the requests coming from the email address containing the specified domain name in the Domain List textbox.
  • Click on the Save Changes button.
  • From the Admin panel, we can check which users are being approved by going to Admin Dashboard → New Users Approve → Approve New Users.


  • The registration requests can be restricted based on the domain name the email address contains, adding them to the blacklist tab to reject the registration request from the specified domains given in the blacklist.
  • The option can be enabled by clicking a toggle provided beside the Enable Blacklist option.
  • Enter the specific domains which you do not want to auto-approve the requests coming from the email address containing the specified domain name in the Domain List textbox.
  • Type a message in the Custom Message textbox. The message will be displayed when a user will register from the domain mentioned in the domain list.
  • Click on the Save Changes button.
  • Once this option is enabled and saved, now whenever a user tries to register with his email address having the domain mentioned in the blacklist so his request will be rejected and the custom message will be displayed.


  • The Make Invitation code Required option will set the Invitation code field on the registration page to register on the website.
  • Click on the Save Changes button to apply your settings.

NOTE: To activate the Make Invitation code Required option functionality, you must also enable the Enable Invitation Code option.

  • Once this option is enabled and saved, it is mandatory to enter the invitation code for registration. If the user does not have the invitation code, they will not be registered on the website, and a message will be displayed.

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By Email Domain

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